1. Think in layers from essential wear on up.
Great chefs know that a fantastic dish consists of complimentary and delicious layers. As you dress, assess your silhouette at every stage. With pre 60s vintage dresses in particular, a strong foundation is important.
2. Research the styling from different eras.
Vintage is a broad term that encompasses all things 25 years or older. Even though most decades of fashion have strong visual themes, there are many obscure looks and concepts to be uncovered. Watch films, rifle through photos and advertisements from various periods for inspiration.
Christian Dior skirt from 2 piece suit, Vivienne Tam wrap sweater, vintage Dior hat, Eye Been Framed browline glasses, Ancestral Art jewelry, Chanel pumps and vintage corset.
3. Consider the details of vintage and modern ensembles.
Outfits are art. Use the same eye exercised when viewing a painting to ponder the individual elements of a look and how they relate to one another.
4. Fit is everything.
Don’t compromise fit for style; especially when wearing vintage clothing.
5. Think accessories.
Jewelry, gloves, hats, shoes, handbag, scarves, glasses, hand fan, parasol, legwarmers, belt, fascinator and countless other accessories are great tools when creating a look from various periods.
DeWeese vintage terry cloth cardigan, "Jazz Fest" mini wrap skirt, Eye Been Framed cateye glasses, Ancestral Art jewelry, vintage corset and Chanel pumps.
6. Have fun.
Do you remember paper dolls? Constructing endless outfits using stiff icons? Invoke that spirit of play when putting your wardrobe together. Set a time for you and your imagination to go through your clothes and have a ball. Music and wine are optional.
7. Follow Confess Apparel’s blog.
Clearly, for information like this from a woman dedicated to helping everyone look their best.